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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2019

Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt

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Buy it:  Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt See more:  Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt  I bought sunscreen for the face. Now I think we woman over 50 just need to be us makeup or no makeup. a mask you say. lady its never a masquerade nor a party mask but, when you wear not. a smile on a social society it is a forbidden mask called the  Floral House Crests The Wizarding World Harry Potter Shirt iron and withe that mask word. So a report on Uganda, but nothing on the events that took place in London yesterday. For the 2nd time. Disgraceful. Ugandans seem to be nice people overall. I had a Ugandan friend by the name of Lydia here in Zambia some years back. She was a lovely person, unfortunately I lost contact with her. I live in Uganda, have visited, and rhino camp, I don't like the idea of priding in hosting refugees, too much cost associated, including them coming with instability, environmental degradation. From...

Germany Deutschland Cheer Jersey Shirt

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Buy it:  Germany Deutschland Cheer Jersey Shirt See more:  Germany Deutschland Cheer Jersey Shirt For my peers who truly cared for this planet and others, who sacrificed to make life better for all they contacted, you have my respect as you face aging and the  Germany Deutschland Cheer Jersey Shirt onset of associated disease and illness. if you don't makeup only to please your man in the bedroom, you certainly makeup for men in the streets to recognize beauty and then they will start to even love you and your man in the house will never trust you and then divorce comes in when they going out, they makeup to bring home dirt. Frankly, I couldn't afford makeup when I was younger. I bought sunscreen for the face. Now I think we woman over 50 just need to be us makeup or no makeup. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Halloween Ghost Boo i found this humerus Shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Ghost Boo i found this humerus Shirt See more:  Halloween Ghost Boo i found this humerus Shirt Thank goodness for the 1990's and the featured in this presentation who helped to change that attitude. For the Boomers I speak of, as your peer I encouraged you and corrected you when you disrespected the aged. I was the one who visited the  Halloween Ghost Boo i found this humerus Shirt shut ins and visited my aged friends in the nursing homes while you laughed and partied, telling me I was wasting my time. Now it is your turn to face your greatest fears of fading beauty and virility. You did not prepare yourselves by befriending the aged. You partied and did not care for your bodies with healthful living. I did and now I am taken for 7 to 10 years younger. I am sorry, I am having a hard time feeling for you. Home: Shop funny shirt

Halloween Ghost Where My Ghouls At For Shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Ghost Where My Ghouls At For Shirt See more:  Halloween Ghost Where My Ghouls At For Shirt Do men become prettier with age or what Just asking. No answers required. Some women over forty are beautiful, and some are not. It's the same with all age groups. Never worn make up only on very special occasions, always had short hair, went grey at 30, what is the  Halloween Ghost Where My Ghouls At For Shirt problem. Every generation needs this celebration. How ironic that 30 to 50 years ago seniors were telling the Baby Boomers the same thing. Those Boomers gloried in their youth, thinking they would never age. Hope I die before I get old The Who and 'never trust anyone over 30' to the 1970's Me Generation of Saturday Night Fever and 1980's big hair glamour. Now it's your turn, those who disdained aging and the aged, to make your own struggle with your status. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt See more:  Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt Personally I would rather look at a guy that doesn't dress like he's homeless with his beer belly spilling out a la Homer Simpson and his few strands of hair holding on for dear life so it applies to both sexes. I feel my best when I at least make some effort to look good. Age is denied to a lot of it. Be grateful and celebrate every birthday. I will always put my face on when out. Just the Halloween Horror Characters Get In Loser We Are Going Slashing Shirt way I was raised. My father wouldn't have ugly in his house. One of 5 girls. Just how it was back then. So if you turn 40 today you suddenly end up in the same age range as your parents and grandparents So just over 40's and 99 year are all the same just old And also why is it always about women and aging Home: Shop funny shirt

Halloween resting murder face shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween resting murder face shirt See more:  Halloween resting murder face shirt Keep your skin hydrated, moisturized and protected from the  Halloween resting murder face shirt sun, and your bare naked, radiant face can't be anything but beautiful. At the end of the day it's not just about age. There are plenty of young girls that roll out in sloppy clothes, last night's makeup and their hair not brushed and no one is looking at them either except in the way one looks at a train wreck. If you don't want to maintain yourself or wear makeup or be fit or whatever then good for you. You just don't get to complain when you don't feel attractive or when other people don't find you attractive From: Chowchowshirt shop

Heineken Drunk Again Shirt

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Buy it:  Heineken Drunk Again Shirt See more:  Heineken Drunk Again Shirt Beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created by observers. Outer beauty or appearance doesn’t really matter, just be good inside. People around you will finally appreciate you when they know you. Just remember, inner beauty is always more important than the  Heineken Drunk Again Shirt outer beauty. Fun fact; men don’t care about 90 of the things woman do to look younger. No idea why you think we care but we don’t. Example. Not once in my life has a guy friend or I have ever thought or said, man, she really needs to dye her hair to cover up that gray. I say this daily when doing facials and educating clients in basic skincare. We shouldn't have to purchase a face and apply it to be acceptable. We've been brainwashed into it by people who make us feel bad about ourselves so we give them our money. Stop Home: Shop funny shirt

Pinhead Snoopy And Horror Peanuts Friends Halloween shirt

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Buy it:  Pinhead Snoopy And Horror Peanuts Friends Halloween shirt See more:  Pinhead Snoopy And Horror Peanuts Friends Halloween shirt My grandmother looked older on the day she passed then my beautiful mom and aunt look now. My grandmother wasn't sick. Cause of death was Natural Causes, Old Age. I have a paralyzed face from Lyme disease and people just stare and are so rude because of their own insecurities. Sad but some are really messed up about what a person should look like. Anyone who has wrinkles should be proud of them. We made it. It is a privilege to grow old, many don't get the chance. I'm horrified by the  Pinhead Snoopy And Horror Peanuts Friends Halloween shir t these days be it airbrushing or cosmetic surgery. People looks best. Beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created by observers. Outer beauty or appearance doesn’t really matter, From: Chowchowshirt shop

Sistas Women Friends Shirt

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Buy it:  Sistas Women Friends Shirt See more:  Sistas Women Friends Shirt I don't think it's morally right for the make up industries to take too many advantages from women. You see even if you look for a shaver, those for women cost 30 more when they're exactly the  Sistas Women Friends Shirt same with the one for men. Except that one is pink, another is blue. I take care of myself because that is what I wish to do for myself. I enjoy staying in shape, being active, and eating healthy. That also includes coloring my hair and using makeup. I want to look and feel great. All for me. 50 is very young. Photograph women over 80. My 85 year old mom and her 91 year old sister has never had work done on them. My grandmother their mother passed at age 72 in 1983. Home: Shop funny shirt

Black Cat Is This Jolly Enough Christmas Lights Shirt

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Buy it:  Black Cat Is This Jolly Enough Christmas Lights Shirt See more:  Black Cat Is This Jolly Enough Christmas Lights Shirt  Or in a more extreme case, wearing filter so that our skin in the photos look more smooth and less wrinkly I mean it's no different than people doing cosmetic surgery, one costs money, the other is for free. If wearing make up make women feel more confident, then I say go for it. The  Black Cat Is This Jolly Enough Christmas Lights Shirt only issue there is, I think the chemicals in the make up. Here in Asia, having whiter skin is preferable, so whitening products are sought after. But, many people don't know that some of the whitening products especially those sold in South Asia actually contain mercury, which can make your skin whiter, but it's also actually carcinogenic. Another issue is that the make up is often overpriced. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Evolution Of Ghost Shirt

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Buy it:  Evolution Of Ghost Shirt See more:  Evolution Of Ghost Shirt  I'm approaching 50 and I don't have the time or the energy for make up. I don't have to try to pretend to be 25. Nobody has to. There's a lot more to us than our looks. If you cut your hair short and feel beautiful, great. Is your hair. I personally like women with long hair, not because esthetics but because in older women with long hair rare tend to behave more jovial. But again, each to their own and your hair is your hair. If women leave the house after contouring their face beyond recognition, that's nothing to do with men. Frankly, we're tired of the  Evolution Of Ghost Shirt deception. We need to embrace being crones. Once we get to a certain age we have a freedom and wisdom that we didn't have in our youth. We don't need to rely on our looks. I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing makeup. Home: Shop funny shirt

Greta Thunberg School Strike For Climate Shirt

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Buy it:  Greta Thunberg School Strike For Climate Shirt See more:  Greta Thunberg School Strike For Climate Shirt Over forty beauty is a synonym of smile. Every over forty can be beautiful free of charge. We are own our worst enemies though. It is us that dye our hair and buy the  Greta Thunberg School Strike For Climate Shirt elixir of youth creams. I look at Maggie Smith, Judi Dench and Helen as beacons of hope. Real hair, real wrinkles and fabulous. The woman in the photo seems considerably over 40. I'd guess 70. Forty is still pretty young. Besides, 70 is the new 40 and women are beautiful at every age. It's just the society preferring adolescent bodies that creates an invidious comparison. Natural beauty is the most beautiful and true aspect of everyone. It's best to have the right face on the right occasion, but don't rely on the surface. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Bang Button Magical Fire Dust Metal Holdy Thing Freedom Seed Anatomy Of A Pew shirt

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Buy it:  Bang Button Magical Fire Dust Metal Holdy Thing Freedom Seed Anatomy Of A Pew shirt See more:  Bang Button Magical Fire Dust Metal Holdy Thing Freedom Seed Anatomy Of A Pew shirt  I guess you’d have been satisfied if the  Bang Button Magical Fire Dust Metal Holdy Thing Freedom Seed Anatomy Of A Pew shirt home owner was killed . He had every right to protect himself and his home. Skip Rowland so her was supposed to let them shoot him and his family. They had guns you moron  They were shooting at him. Skip Rowland when one is being robbed you don't ask for their it before defending yourself. The force of the robbers was met by equal force of the victim. Lesson for all bad guys and good guys. Choices have consequences.Brad Turner I like how you jump from armed teenagers to banning all guns. Home: Shop funny shirt

Creep it Real Halloween Shirt

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Buy it:  Creep it Real Halloween Shirt See more: Creep it Real Halloween Shirt I'm sure the person could have scared them off with words, one punch to the Creep it Real Halloween Shirt  leader's face, or a warning shot.Guess they won't be doing that no more. But a warning shoot would have scared them off. I love how some people defended the teenagers. They went to cause harm and steal property. Homeowner was in the right here no matter what anti gun people say.Skip Rowland these are not  children. They are young adults who knew better. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Behold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirt

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Buy it:  Behold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirt See more:  Behold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirt These teens gave that right up when they put on mask and armed themselves to take what wasn't theirs. Skippy would be so easy to rob. I wish I knew where you lived so I can steal your paycheck every week. What a straight up snowflake. These are the kind of people that want to let murders and rapist and other criminals out of prison weirdo flakes like you mother the  Behold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirt kids Skip Rowland but, three masked people attempted a robbery and fired on the victims first. How can you think that's not justified In the absence of faces, probably difficult to tell their ages, in addition, they were being robbed and shot at. Your opinion is very strange.3 dead teenagers no good can come from that. Home: Shop funny shirt

Boku No Hero Tis ThBehold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirte Season To Go Beyond Plus Ultra Chrismas Shirt

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Buy it:  Boku No Hero Tis ThBehold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirte Season To Go Beyond Plus Ultra Chrismas Shirt See more:  Boku No Hero Tis ThBehold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirte Season To Go Beyond Plus Ultra Chrismas Shirt  No one should be unsafe, especially in their own home. Jay Sanchez the  Boku No Hero Tis ThBehold Nancy Pelosi Patron Saint Of Shade Sunset Shirte Season To Go Beyond Plus Ultra Chrismas Shirt fact that it seems normal to you guys that three kids were armed is the really scary part. What’s wrong with the us. Skip Rowland Because it prevented them from killing somebody else when wasn't out looking to harm others like these 3 idiots were obviously doing. The pro life thing is a moot argument, unless you show me some babies coming off the womb slinging guns and shooting and robbing people.Skip Rowland Children. They were acting as adults. This was a premeditated attempted robbery where those kids shot first....

Captain Spaulding Don’t you like clown aren’t we fuckin funny shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding Don’t you like clown aren’t we fuckin funny shirt See more:  Captain Spaulding Don’t you like clown aren’t we fuckin funny shirt The pro life thing is a moot argument, unless you show me some babies coming off the  Captain Spaulding Don’t you like clown aren’t we fuckin funny shirt womb slinging guns and shooting and robbing people.Skip Rowland Children. They were acting as adults. This was a premeditated attempted robbery where those kids shot first. If this was my child I would be the first to say he got what he deserved have you forgotten how many children are the ones doing school killings and other mass shootings. These teens gave that right up when they put on mask and armed themselves to take what wasn't theirs. Skippy would be so easy to rob. Home: Shop funny shirt

Captain Spaulding I Hate People shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding I Hate People shirt See more:  Captain Spaulding I Hate People shirt Jay Sanchez he would be devastated I'm sure he didn't know they were kids. It's hard for it when they break into your house and shoot at you, and you legally defend yourself, yes. Skip Rowland who cares whether they’re children. They trespassed with bad intentions and got what they deserved. No one should be unsafe, especially in their own home. Jay Sanchez the  Captain Spaulding I Hate People shirt fact that it seems normal to you guys that three kids were armed is the really scary part. What’s wrong with the us. Skip Rowland Because it prevented them from killing somebody else when wasn't out looking to harm others like these 3 idiots were obviously doing From: Chowchowshirt shop

Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt See more:  Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt These thugs having them is a reason why. But I am glad the  Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt family protected themselves. It rarely works out this well in America which is why I hate guns. Skip Rowland again, reading must be a skill that he you have not acquired. Would you please point out exactly where in my comment I said killing teenagers, not children, but teenagers was a good thing Michael isn't it great, the only country in the world were you can choose not to die getting your home robbed. I guess one of the children shouldn’t have started stopping at the victims first. They’re criminals Home: Shop funny shirt

Crenshaw Trayvon Martin Shirt

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Buy it:  Crenshaw Trayvon Martin Shirt See more:  Crenshaw Trayvon Martin Shirt They should of known what could happen if they rob someone. Hell it could of been vise versa. They could of shot him when they robbed his house. Skip Rowland so protecting yourself when 3 masked people break into your home is a bad thing. I don't think so. I'm sorry but I would have done th e Crenshaw Trayvon Martin Shirt same thing as he did. Skip Rowland let’s agree to a rule. You can only kill a new born when it comes out shooting at you. Michael protecting yourself is not a bad thing. What would you do when masked men started shooting you. Listen I hate guns. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Darth Vader Kylo Ren Darth Maul Palpatine Friends shirt

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Buy it:  Darth Vader Kylo Ren Darth Maul Palpatine Friends shirt See more: Darth Vader Kylo Ren Darth Maul Palpatine Friends shirt Teach your children it's not right for you to enter another person home with the intent to rob them, they ask for it, the are old enough to know right from wrong, Skip Rowland how would the  Darth Vader Kylo Ren Darth Maul Palpatine Friends shirt homeowner knew they was children if they face are covered these kids are getting here in Georgia and you would not be saying this if it was you that was protecting your home Skip Rowland these were not children. These were young adults going down the wrong path in life at already a young age. Skip Rowland when the so called child is trying to kill you then the inevitable will happen. Skip Rowland did you read the article. I am a democrat and not a fan of guns or killing anyone, Home: Shop funny shirt

DJ Halloween Costume shirt

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Buy it:  DJ Halloween Costume shirt See more:  DJ Halloween Costume shirt Skip Rowland Teach your children it's not right for you to enter another person home with the  DJ Halloween Costume shirt intent to rob them, they ask for it, the are old enough to know right from wrong, Skip Rowland how would the homeowner knew they was children if they face are covered these kids are getting here in Georgia and you would not be saying this if it was you that was protecting your home Skip Rowland these were not children. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Post Malone Home Malone Christmas 2019 Shirt

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Buy it: Post Malone Home Malone Christmas 2019 Shirt See more: Post Malone Home Malone Christmas 2019 Shirt  He just prevented 100's of his from being victimized by these pukes. Skip Rowland who cares how old they are, I'm 19. And I ain't robbing anyone. You give handouts to anyone with a mask Skip. He had no idea that they were teens. They were masked. Did u bother to read the  Post Malone Home Malone Christmas 2019 Shirt article. That is what we call responsible gun owner. I don't care about their age. Good for them. We talking about this case, nothing else. You rob me, if I'm armed I shoot you. If your 80 or 12 Home: Shop funny shirt

Trick Or Treat Studios Halloween Iii Season Of The Witch Cutouts Shirt

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Buy it: Trick Or Treat Studios Halloween Iii Season Of The Witch Cutouts Shirt See more: Trick Or Treat Studios Halloween Iii Season Of The Witch Cutouts Shirt I know how exactly is killing children a good thing. It would appear the whole pro life nonsense doesn't really count for anything. Skip Rowland reading must be a skill that you have yet to acquire. According to the article it clearly stated that the  Trick Or Treat Studios Halloween Iii Season Of The Witch Cutouts Shirt teenagers shot first. It doesn't matter pro life anything if anyone shoots at anyone else they deserve what's coming to them. Every citizen has the right to defend their home. Oh i see they shot first. Glad this guy was a good shot. From: Chowchowshirt shop

ACDC Skull Sign Language Shirt

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Buy it:  ACDC Skull Sign Language Shirt See more;  ACDC Skull Sign Language Shirt  And the resultant pressure on businesses to clean up their act. Good on them. Taking an active interest in their future and there is some learning for life in doing so. So many today moan but fail to act. More or less. I mean individual action useful if enough take it up. It'll help. But the  ACDC Skull Sign Language Shirt corporate mass pollution is what's at fault. Yes, we should do what we can, but we can't solve this. How the huge number of children world wide are organized to suport climate protests. Who is organizer of such global movement. Leaderless movent is mission impossible or covert operation. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Baby Groot Hugging Washington Redskins Shirt

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Buy it:  Baby Groot Hugging Washington Redskins Shirt See more:  Baby Groot Hugging Washington Redskins Shirt My 15 year old knows and educates people on the clothing companies that are affecting climate change. These kids are aware of what’s going on. Protests work. They wouldn't have to keep doing it if World politicians started doing something, instead of lining their pockets from the  Baby Groot Hugging Washington Redskins Shirt oil companies, most of this boils down to corruption.  In surprised over population has not been discussed as every year more an more people. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. Not many can live a perfect completely off grid. zero waste exsistence, but imagine the impact if many started small good things Home: Shop funny shirt

Buffalo Mafia For Life Shirt

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Buy it:  Buffalo Mafia For Life Shirt See more:  Buffalo Mafia For Life Shirt The reason these protests will not work is you cannot protest in opec nations or Russia. The largest producers in the world are dictatorships that care not for human rights or the Buffalo Mafia For Life Shirt  environment. The world needs more Canadian Energy.  I feel like a lot of people are missing the point here, the climate strikes are to put pressure on government to legislate the handful of companies that are the main causes of greenhouse emissions 70 so that it will actually make a significant difference to the impending doom of climate change. It certainly will From: Chowchowshirt shop

But First Coffee Central Perk And Luke’s black Shirt

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Buy it:  But First Coffee Central Perk And Luke’s black Shirt See more:  But First Coffee Central Perk And Luke’s black Shirt  Energy can be directly equated to quality of life and two thirds of the  But First Coffee Central Perk And Luke’s black Shirt planet are below the standard of living in Mexico with 1 Billion people utilizing less than 1 barrel of equivalent energy a year. This is abject poverty. Do these people not deserve the same standard of living as those in the west or developed countries. Are they to continue to burn dung to heat their homes. Or should Canadians do their best to take as much of the energy market as possible to get these people the most ethically produced and environmentally regulated energy on the planet. Home: Shop funny shirt

Captain Spaulding Freak Of Nature You Best shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding Freak Of Nature You Best shirt See more:  Captain Spaulding Freak Of Nature You Best shirt Great idea, but kids need to understand, it is all our problem, start decreasing your carbon footprint, resalvage goods, cut out buying so many consumables, pick up rubbish wherever you may be. Good start for change. Yes, it will make big difference, because it's their future, not the  Captain Spaulding Freak Of Nature You Best shirt future of those who are old now. We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Cleveland Batman shirt

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Buy it:  Cleveland Batman shirt See more:  Cleveland Batman shirt  Some will say it's a drop in the ocean, but more and more people started doing it very big thank you to all the people who introduced me to alternative solutions to everyday habits and eventualy companies start to notice these trends. And here's where we have the  Cleveland Batman shirt power the power of consumer's choice. It is possible to push governemts and companies, but there need to be millions of us so please, instead of sitting back and preparing for a doomsda think what you can do. Home: Shop funny shirt

Danny Dimes Shirt

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Buy it:  Danny Dimes Shirt See more:  Danny Dimes Shirt So I wonder if the  Danny Dimes Shirt climate change protests include no more high tech very short life expectancy gadgets inc phones and computers, they should be built with a 20 year life. I bet most kids have been driven there.  It is not an easy topic so there are no easy answers. Of course talking about it, gethering and doing any little change helps as it triggers a bigger movement. When we look around we can already see many little big things already happening. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Do It For Dellin Betances Shirt

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Buy it:  Do It For Dellin Betances Shirt See more:  Do It For Dellin Betances Shirt Sadly people with your attitude are a huge problem please go and educate yourself if you can be bothered. If not perhaps save your smart comments. It should. Individual actions have added to climate change quite a bit, I can't imagine it not being helpful in preventing it some. That being said, there should be more pressure for larger bodies of the  Do It For Dellin Betances Shirt population e.g. corporations and governments to actively work to make a difference. Home: Shop funny shirt

Eeyore Happy Halloween Shirt

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Buy it:  Eeyore Happy Halloween Shirt See more:  Eeyore Happy Halloween Shirt Instead of bunking off school. Actually stay in school and learn the correct science about this. Chemistry , Geology , Economics etc etc. Teach the children , make sure the science is correct, not political. It just gets my back up a bit. I admire that they are thinking about it but not that they ignore any action so far taken as if they are the first. If they could set the Eeyore Happy Halloween Shirt world as it was a century ago they would see the progress. They would be better to give up a Saturday and do a litter pick. Spend their time in school getting an education that would let them get a career that helps the planet. Oh dear Paul Gifford. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Free El Chapo Rip Trump Shirt

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Buy it:  Free El Chapo Rip Trump Shirt See more:  Free El Chapo Rip Trump Shirt If we all band together as individuals then we will make a change. If we ignore each other then nothing will change and climate change will continue to be accelerated until it is too late. well done to all the children on this global climate protest. the  Free El Chapo Rip Trump Shirt children are this world future. as for missing school today I say gd on them as this is important to these children to do this protest for the children doing this Stand Up For what you Believe in. good luck today, everyday. Schools should be supporting these children. Home: Shop funny shirt

Captain Spaulding No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt See more:  Captain Spaulding No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt Realistically, it's they who are using plastics, polluting the  Captain Spaulding No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt atmosphere on a massive scale. Ban petrol cars and just have electric, that will make a massive difference, but they bloody won't. They talk about phasing stuff out over years, stop it now. The planet is forfeit to large these corporations . It's just easier to blame us. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing my bit, but stop blaming people. We are all one. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt

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Buy it:  Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt See more:  Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt  If a child can't vote they don't have a voice with the  Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt politicians. One country can not clean up the planet alone when there are so many that just do what they want anyway. Children are getting used so much these days. Poor kids. Wonder how they'll feel when they grow up and learn that earth is just going through it's natural cycles and that climate change isn't man made. It's great that there's so much awareness of this issue finally but I'm fed up of the onus being put on us, the individuals, Home: Shop funny shirt

2019 Atlanta Braves Nl East Division Champions Back To Back Shirt

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Buy it:  2019 Atlanta Braves Nl East Division Champions Back To Back Shirt See more:  2019 Atlanta Braves Nl East Division Champions Back To Back Shirt  Its unfortunate the kids wanted to rob people at gun point.Sunny it’s not bad to feel that way. I taught these boys, I had a conference last week with one of the  2019 Atlanta Braves Nl East Division Champions Back To Back Shirt mothers, she was desperate for her son to do better. It’s going to be a hard day at school pray for our kids.Sunny it's not bad,people on here act like they are perfect,they were kids ,it is heartbreaking, sometimes kids get another chance, these did more robbers will no longer hurt or steal from any other human being thanks to this man.There is a win win win, three thugs dead, that, if they was a next time, and they probably would be, the homeowner may not be so lucky . it could be your grand mama next.Sunny  it truly is to feel awful for all Home: Shop funny shirt

April Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  April Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  April Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt That home owner I am sure will be affected and in no way I am blaming him. Those kids were armed.Tyrone Hill because they were human kids with parents who now have to bury their children you absolute I feel bad for the homeowner and the  April Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt kids’ families. The robbers were prepared to kill for something that was not theirs and that makes them lower than dirt. I have no compassion for. Glass no one is blaming the home owner, they are saying it's sad that the parents of the dead teens now have to bury their young boys and it's sad that the home owner will From: Chowchowshirt shop

August Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  August Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  August Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt You can have the best home training possible and your kids still get in trouble. The streets are not nice and bullying is real. I pray for all families involved.Francisco Raphael Santana 15 and 16 are kids. I didn’t say they were angels. I called them kids because that’s what they were.Why is it so hard for you people to understand what sunny said. They aren't siding with the criminals yet you're somehow attacking them for it. Screw the  August Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt kids. I really hate kids esp the thug wannabes not little kids but teens I hate most teenagers some of them are really cool though key word some No mother should ever have to Home: Shop funny shirt

February Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  February Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  February Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt  I wish him the best if he has any psychological issues but he will overcome Lucien J. hope he does. It’s got to be pretty rough to be put in a situation like that.Sunny well the  February Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt should have resided their kids right . This is what happens when you don’t Terry I won’t assume to know how they were raised. Unfortunately, some kids are lead a stray no matter all the good that is taught to them. Sunny imagine that, they go to your house kill your wife rape your ,burn the house for 50$  ,what could u  say Criminal. Is criminal age doesn’t matter they paid  top price. Thomas From: Chowchowshirt shop

International Santander Fan Club Shirt

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Buy it:  International Santander Fan Club Shirt See more:  International Santander Fan Club Shirt  Lisa I really don’t know why people are having such a hard time comprehending that. I’m sure the homeowner didn’t want to have to kill anyone and it would be a lot to deal with afterwards, but he had to protect himself and the others. Unfortunately the  International Santander Fan Club Shirt teens chose the wrong people to rob and paid the ultimate price for their dumb choices.Sunny Do you know that the 16 could have killed gone to the extent of killing this elderly man. Sunny I did say physically safe. Although he apparently has lots of range time took out all three that’s pretty controlled and he also made the decision Home: Shop funny shirt

July Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  July Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  July Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt We cannot have  robbers walking the streets sorry. I agree. Once again, I have not in anyway claimed these kids were innocent. I don’t blame the July Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt homeowner. Sunny those mamas should have taught their teens not to steal. Should have put the fear of god in them at an early age. Yes the old man does have to live with it but he was protecting his home good for Lopez have you read any of my comments. If not read them, if so reread them. I’m tired of typing the same thing over and over. From: Chowchowshirt shop

March Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  March Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  March Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt  Kristen Sparks Spencer that’s what I was wondering. God forbid some of these people find them in a situation where they need a little sympathy. Sunny Unfortunately, the  March Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt masked teens shot at them first. It was the instinct of the homeowner to fire back. Teenagers think they are invincible and don’t think things through properly. It’s devastating all around to hear a story like this Sunny  yeah I’m sure the older guy feels real bad about shooting 3 punks that shot at him first You’re an idiot. Sunny all parents have to teach their children from small not to and rob nothing from nobody this is likely to be the end result. Sometimes and that's slim they get away Home: Shop funny shirt

May Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  May Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  May Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt  I would be thankful my family was safe, but it would be hard to know I killed three kids. Vanessa Hall it truly is. My kids are grown, but I worry about them all day everyday. It’s so sad to see stuff like this more and more in the  May Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt news.Sunny I feel the same way. I'm really not surprised that some of the people on this thread are questioning your sympathy empathy for all that are involved in this situation but it's disappointing disheartening. When did having compassion become a bad thing Kristen Sparks Spencer that’s what I was wondering. God forbid some of these people find them in a From: Chowchowshirt shop

November Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  November Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  November Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt They knew right from wrong yes it's sad it happened. But what you expected someone else to do if someone pull out a gun on you with masks on Glass I’m in no way condemning the homeowner for his actions. He really didn’t have a choice. I just think everything about this situation is tragic. I'll do the same way to protect my family, 16 years yes a kids, but 16 is aggressive than 30, they are no mercy.Gerald Melvin I get that. I would do the  November Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt same for mine. I think it would shock me to find out they were kids though Home: Shop funny shirt

October Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  October Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  October Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt It’s to disagree with me, I don’t care, but I feel the way I feel.Sunny actually it’s a win win situation none of the victims were physically injured and look at all the future crimes that won’t ever be committed by any of these criminals Lucien J. what about the  October Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt homeowner. Who knows how he is dealing with . I feel bad for him as well.Sunny feeling and stating what’s right and wrong are wide apart. I’m feeling if the robbers had gotten away with robbery, they’d do it again or possible had done it before and their actions were harming people. Let me say this. From: Chowchowshirt shop

September Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  September Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  September Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt I’m not bashing the homeowner. I simply feel bad for everyone involved. Why is it bad to feel that way. Sunny Three Mamas that failed to let their kids have good home training. Charity beginning at home they let civilization takes their responsibilities away from them. Jeremy Davis that sounds ridiculous u can do all the right things in life for your children and they can still be lead . Again let me clarify, I feel bad for all of the September Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt people involved in this. It was senseless and should never of happened.I can’t speak on how they were raised as I don’t know anything other than what was in this article Home: Shop funny shirt

December Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt

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Buy it:  December Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt See more:  December Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt  No sympathy whatsoever here for the  December Girl I Can Be Mean At Sweet As Candy Cold As Ice And Evil As Hell Shirt thanks for having a so many people on this  post have lost their compassion for human Ronald . I wasn’t implying they were innocent, just young. It’s your right to feel however you want as it is mine.Stephanie so the home owner should have allowed them rob him. Is that the good story. Sunny Does being kids stop them from firing first. Let me clarify. Yes, I know those kids were in the wrong. Unfortunately they paid for it. From: Chowchowshirt shop

Cat Gang Shirt

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Buy it:  Cat Gang Shirt See more:  Cat Gang Shirt Schools should be supporting these children.  Instead of bunking off school. Actually stay in school and learn the correct science about this. Chemistry , Geology , Economics etc etc. Teach the  Cat Gang Shirt children , make sure the science is correct, not political. It just gets my back up a bit. I admire that they are thinking about it but not that they ignore any action so far taken as if they are the first. If they could set the world as it was a century ago they would see the progress. They would be better to give up a Saturday and do a litter pick. Spend their time in school getting an education that would let them get a career that helps the planet. Oh dear Paul Gifford. Sadly people with your attitude are a huge problem please go and educate yourself if you can be bothered. From: Chowchowshirt shop

80th Anniversary Wonder Woman shirt

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Buy it:  80th Anniversary Wonder Woman shirt See more:  80th Anniversary Wonder Woman shirt They talk about phasing stuff out over years, stop it now. The  80th Anniversary Wonder Woman shirt planet is forfeit to large these corporations . It's just easier to blame us. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing my bit, but stop blaming people. We are all one. If we all band together as individuals then we will make a change. If we ignore each other then nothing will change and climate change will continue to be accelerated until it is too late. well done to all the children on this global climate protest. the children are this world future. as for missing school today I say gd on them as this is important to these children to do this protest for the children doing this Stand Up For what you Believe in. good luck today, everyday From: Chowchowshirt shop